Wild-Woman And The Device Of Mangling
leaving behind
the animals breakdown of
the beginning the judgement of separation
until the death &
sacrifice. the
cuts of Rolled Iron and
Steel Products the
chemicals &
Power Machinery
metallurgy the lunatik
National Anthem forces . anathema
slow sigh
hiss . slooc . soo .
I fix my attention on
A skeleton reconciliation between particles &
ME I suggest the
value of
weakness to go to bed
without undressing
and move the lever
deal in cattle
whisk away the
human form I Am A Wonder Worker
I glance at others' eyes
I appear with wings and
a striking-fast switch
I smash
I cause acid to eat any
sort of hope
I dry up
the wetness of plants
I hold a device
and . mangle
it is the day of . derision