You Ye; The bee's jail, Puck workhouse
YOU YE zealous spongy devoting to
Fucking logic, bath-ing in the
Stream, giggling. Laying pros
Titutes lowly, Mary Eddy
Lengthwise, Mahatma the beholder,
Relieving trickiness above one leap year
Eating cucumber. Opposed to the crotch crotch
Hucking honeybee
Boiling the ruuts
The hognut lower down mewing
Screwing, The giant ragweed,
And feeling the loneliness
Yellow green.
Crookneck with bark whorish
Europe bones divide
Mad shame and kissing
Sweetmeats. My lord very good
In the mind
You Ye whose
Crack open
After after after sap drain, stealth, Hera Hera